Think medical abortion is a safe, discreet way to move past an unexpected pregnancy? Think again.
Medical abortion is a permanent, life-altering decision that you can’t take back, which is why it’s so critical to learn all you can before making this choice.
We’ve compiled three facts you might not know about medical abortion. Read on to learn more—-or contact us today to find a safe, nonjudgmental space to talk. We understand what you’re going through and are here for you.
1. The Medical Abortion Drugs Are Powerful
Have you heard that the drugs involved in a medical abortion are safe and simple? This isn’t true.
The first drug involved in a medical abortion, mifepristone, is a powerful progesterone blocker that interrupts your body’s natural processes.
Meanwhile, the second drug, misoprostol, causes uterine cramping that’s strong enough to expel your pregnancy from your uterus and out through your vagina.
2. You Will Pass Your Pregnancy at Home
You take abortion drugs at home, which means that you will pass your pregnancy at home. Witnessing the passing of the pregnancy can be distressing for some women.
Along with passing the pregnancy at home, you will also experience vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping.
3. The Pain Can Be Severe
The uterine contractions that result from taking misoprostol will be intense and can feel similar to the contractions that happen during labor. Some women have been caught off-guard by the pain.
Protect Your Health
Before making any pregnancy decision—including abortion—it’s vital to get an ultrasound. This scan will give you the essential details you need to know about your pregnancy to stay safe.
At Pregnancy Options, we offer no-cost, limited ultrasounds and a safe space to talk and ask questions. Don’t delay. Contact us today to schedule your confidential appointment. You’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.
Pregnancy Options does not provide or refer for abortion.
*All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.