Waiting to confirm suspicions of a pregnancy can be stressful. If you think you might be pregnant, you’re probably wondering when the best time is to take a home pregnancy test.
Keep reading to learn about early pregnancy symptoms to watch for, when to take a home pregnancy test, and next steps if you receive a positive result.
What Are Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Have you been feeling a little off the past few days? Early signs of pregnancy can be subtle or very evident, depending on the person. Here are the most commonly reported signs of early pregnancy to consider:
- a missed period
- tenderness and changes of the breasts and nipples
- headaches
- tiredness
- nausea and vomiting
- new food cravings
- sensitivity to smells
- mood shifts
It’s important to note, these symptoms are not only present during pregnancy. If you are experiencing any symptoms from the above list, your next step should be to take a pregnancy test.
When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?
Home pregnancy tests measure the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in a woman’s body; HCG is a pregnancy hormone and is only produced during pregnancy.
The levels of HCG double every 2-3 days after the pregnancy implants, which causes the concentration found in blood and urine to rise.
Because HCG levels continue to rise as the pregnancy progresses, you should wait until the first day of your missed period for the most accurate results.
I’m Pregnant! Now What?
You got a positive pregnancy test; now what? An unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming and devastating. It’s important to take a deep breath and remain calm.
Pregnancy Options is a safe place to ask questions, explore your options and receive the care and support you need at no cost to you.
If you have had a positive pregnancy test in the last few weeks, the next step is to get an ultrasound.
Contact our center Monday – Thursday at 507-332-7644, and our friendly staff will guide you through the next steps. We believe in your future, and we’re here to take this unexpected journey with you.