Have you recently missed your menstrual cycle? Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? In addition to a missed period, other symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue, can point to pregnancy, but the only way to know for sure is to take a test.
If you’ve ever wondered how a home pregnancy test works, we have the answers here. Keep reading to learn how pregnancy tests work, when is the best time to take one, and where to find free pregnancy confirmation.
What Is HCG?
In the first few days after conception, the pregnancy will begin to produce a hormone called hCG. HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, causes the uterine wall to thicken and stops the menstruation cycle to support the growing pregnancy.
The concentration and levels of hCG rise as the pregnancy grows, doubling or tripling every 2-3 days. Waiting until hCG levels are higher will give you more accurate results you can depend on.
When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?
A pregnancy test detects the presence of HCG in a woman’s urine. Because hCG levels rise as the pregnancy grows, women should wait to take a pregnancy test until a day or two after a missed period.
Pregnancy tests are accurate when taken at the right time, and the instructions are followed closely. However, a follow-up ultrasound after a positive pregnancy test result will determine that the pregnancy is viable (isn’t miscarrying), provide an estimated pregnancy age, and ensure that the pregnancy is appropriately located in the uterus.
Where to Find No-Cost Pregnancy Confirmation
Pregnancy Options offers women free pregnancy confirmation in a confidential and friendly environment. If you receive a positive result, our staff will help you explore the options available as you decide how to move forward.
Contact us or stop by at a convenient time. Get the answers to your questions today.