Chances are, if you’re feeling the need to hide your pregnancy, it was definitely unplanned. Are you ashamed or feeling afraid? We get it. An unexpected pregnancy is a shock.
Get as much information as possible before you decide how to handle it. Come to Pregnancy Options for no-cost pregnancy testing. If your test is positive, we’ll help you get all the information you need with a no-cost ultrasound.
Why Do I Need an Ultrasound?
Even if you’ve taken an at-home pregnancy test and it turned out positive, there is still more to know about your pregnancy. Did you know more than one in four pregnancies ends in an early miscarriage? You can still get a positive pregnancy test in the days or even weeks after a miscarriage.
Is Your Pregnancy Growing, or Have You Miscarried?
Experts estimate as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. An ultrasound exam determines if your pregnancy is growing with a detectable heartbeat or if you’ve miscarried.
Although unusual, it is possible to get a false positive on a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. A false positive means the test says you’re pregnant, but you aren’t. Find out through ultrasound.
Do You Know How Far Along You Are?
If you’re considering abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, you may be researching the abortion pill. The abortion pill method is also known as a medical or chemical abortion since it uses drugs to terminate a pregnancy.
The FDA only approves the use of abortion drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy (70 days past the first day of your last period). The Mayo Clinic recommends not using the drugs past 9 weeks.
Do you know the date you became pregnant? Knowing the number of weeks can protect your health and safety. Measurements taken during an ultrasound can provide the exact number of weeks and days you’ve been pregnant.
Where Is Your Pregnancy Located?
Although rare, some pregnancies are ectopic. An ectopic pregnancy means it is growing outside the uterus. This is an extremely dangerous health concern. If the pregnancy continues to grow in the wrong location, it can cause life-threatening complications.
An ultrasound determines the location of your pregnancy.
How Can Pregnancy Options Help Me?
In addition to providing no-cost pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, you can meet with a client advocate to discuss your pregnancy options. You have three: abortion, making an adoption plan, and parenting. The choice is yours.
Yes, getting an abortion helps hide your pregnancy, but what happens if you experience physical or emotional consequences? Abortion is a serious medical decision that you should make after speaking with your healthcare provider.
What if you were to discuss your situation with a parent? You might be surprised at the support they give you. If you need to talk with someone about telling your parents or close friends, we can help.
Contact Pregnancy Options. You can conveniently schedule a no-cost confidential appointment online or call 507-332-7644. We’re here for you.