An abortion can affect a woman’s life both physically and mentally after the procedure. No one should feel pressured or pushed into making a decision they’re uncomfortable with.
Forcing a woman to have an abortion is illegal in all 50 states. If your boyfriend or family member is trying to pressure you into having an abortion, you have rights.
Below are a few signs you’re being pressured into an abortion and where you can find safety and support in your community.
Feeling Unseen and Unheard
Do you feel overshadowed or unheard when discussing the option of abortion? This may be a sign you’re being pressured into the procedure.
Standing firm is essential as you choose what’s best for you and your pregnancy. If your partner or family is unwilling to listen to you, it’s time to seek support elsewhere.
Feeling Unsafe
Have you been threatened if you don’t comply with an abortion? Threats can come in the form of physical or emotional abuse but also include withholding daily needs like housing and food.
If you ever feel unsafe, reach out to local authorities or the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 800-799-SAFE.
Feeling Like You Have No Alternatives
Abortion is one option to handle an unplanned pregnancy, but it is not the only option. If you’re being made to feel like an abortion is your only choice, you might feel pressured into the procedure.
Adoption and parenting are additional pregnancy options. Taking time to educate yourself on these options can bring clarity and confidence as you navigate discussions with family and friends.
Where To Find Safety And Support
Pregnancy Options is here to serve you during this stressful time. Our trained and caring staff will walk you through your rights and options concerning an unplanned pregnancy.
Make a no-cost appointment today. We’re here for you.
Pregnancy Options does not refer for or provide abortions.