With the recent changes in abortion laws across the country, online sales of the abortion pill are at an all-time high. But are there risks involved with ordering an abortion online? If you’re currently experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and looking into ordering the abortion pill online, here are a few precautions to consider before you … Continued
Category: Abortion
What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

Figuring out your next steps after an unexpected pregnancy can be difficult. If you’re considering abortion, this article is for you. Below, you’ll find the top three reasons why women are strongly encouraged to have an ultrasound before scheduling an abortion. How Does An Ultrasound Work? An ultrasound is a diagnostic tool doctors use to … Continued
What Is the Abortion Pill?

Pregnancy can bring a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s not always a happy occasion to stare down at a positive pregnancy test. If you’re currently walking through an unexpected pregnancy, you may have begun to look into an abortion. Abortions are available in a couple of different forms, but today we will explore what the abortion … Continued
What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

An incomplete abortion is one of the complications that can arise after an abortion. Below we’ll explain what an incomplete abortion is, why it needs to be treated promptly, and how you can be proactive against this complication. What Is An Incomplete Abortion? Every woman who undergoes an abortion should be aware of the complications … Continued
What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

If you’re recently pregnant and considering abortion, this article is for you. An abortion impacts women physically, mentally, and emotionally. The mental health effects following an abortion aren’t talked about as much but are just as important to prepare for. Here’s what you need to know before scheduling an abortion to best protect your mental … Continued
What Are the Risks of Abortion?

News of an unplanned pregnancy can flip your world upside down. What about your plans? How are you going to move forward from this? Abortion is just one of many options women may choose. If you are considering an abortion, do you know what to expect? Understanding the process and the risks involved can bring … Continued